Discovery of Liangyuan Nb-Ta-Rb-W-Polymetallic Deposit in Shixing County, Guangdong Province and Its Significance


The Liangyuan Nb-Ta-Rb-W polymetallic deposit in Shixing county, Guangdong Province, a deposit with a prospect of large scale, was found during the new-round investigation of tungsten polymetallic ores in the eastern Nanling mineralization zones deployed by China Geological SurveyCGSin recent years. The study indicates that the Nb-Ta-Rb-W-polymetallic ore bodies might be originated from the differentiation of deep-seated ore-bearing magma. The Liangyuan Nb-Ta-Rb-W-polymetallic deposit is characteristic of stable-grade, run: yes"> large scale and complex ore-forming elements with a Nb-Ta-Rb-W-Mo-Sn-Bi assemblage, enriched in BeREEAg. The discovery of Liangyuan deposit is not only a breakthrough of prospecting in the eastern Nanling region, but also an important guide in Nb-Ta-Rb-W-polymetallic ore prospecting work in the whole Nanling and even South China.





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