Application of Strata Slicing Technique in Miocene Congo Fan

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     Compared with the time slice and horizon slice, the strata slice is more much closer to the isochronic in- terface and can offer more real geological information. Taking Miocene Congo fan as an example, a series of strata slices are interpolated and RMS attributes are extracted on the basis of the 3rd-order sequence frame, and moreover the spread of the sedimentary facies, classification of the high-frequency sequences, period-time of the channel de- velopment, filling architecture and evolution characteristics for the frame are researched. The results show that the high-frequency sequence interface is the combination of the sedimentary interfaces, the interface enriched with the sands is the bottom of the high-frequency sequence interface, the interface composed of more mud is the top of the high-frequency sequence interface, the channel complex is made up of many period-times of the first-order chan- nels, and the later channels always superpose on the older and cut them to different extents; the channel evolution mainly experiences following four stages initial erosion, erosion-filling, stacking-filling and abandonment, and the channel sinuosity is gradually increased.

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