weight: bold; mso-font-kerning: 18.0pt" lang=EN-US>Provenance System of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Gentle Slope (ramp) of the Huanghua Depression in Bohai Gulf, China

The gentle slope (ramp) of the Huanghua Depression is a buried slope landform and located on the north slope of the Chengning uplift in the southeast of the Huanghua Depression. It can be divided into three tectonic-geomorphologic units from south to north. By the components of gravel and sandstone, heavy minerals and sandstone bodies dispersion system, the paleo-provenances and paleo-river systems on this slope are established. There are three paleo-provenances and paleo-river systems on the northern gentle slope (ramp) of the Huanghua Depression from west to east. The three paleo-provenances and paleo-river systems control the change of the components of gravel and sandstone, heavy minerals and sandstone bodies dispersion system from west to east on the northern gentle slope (ramp) of the Huanghua Depression. The characteristics of the paleo-provenances and paleo-river framework on the ramp of the Huanghua Depression are summarized in this paper. 

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