The Uplifting of Artux Anticline by Stages in the Late Quaternary, oft-com:office:smarttags" />Southwest Tianshan oft-com:office:office" />

The interaction zone between southwest Tianshan and Tarim is located on the northeast side of oft-com:office:smarttags" />Pamir, it is a region with several rows of active reverse faults and active fold zones, and the Artux anticline is one of the active folds. The Boguzi River originated from a glacier in Tianshan Mountains incises the middle segment of Artux active fold. Six pedestal terraces formed in the Late Quaternary had developed along the both banks of the Boguzi River at the site of Artux anticline. These terraces had been folded since its formation. The longitudinal profiles of the terraces have been measured at the Boguzi River by differential GPS.

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