The Age and Tectonic Setting of Sartokay Ophiolitic Melange in Western Junggar, Xinjiang

     For Sartokay ophiolitic m61ange,as an important part of the Dalabute ophiolite in western Junggar of Xinjiang,it is widely controversial on its formation age and the tectonic setting. High resolution LA-ICP-MS in situ dating yields the zircon 206pb/238U weighted average age of 536.4±3.6 Ma from the gabbro-diabase in Sartokay ophiolitic melange,by which we believe that this ophiolitic melange formed in Middle Devonian. The geochemical characteristics prove that the DuniteSerpentinite belongs to the metamorphic peridotite with low Si, low alkali, and high Mg. The REE distribution pattern of the dunite is generally fiat with low REE, high Cr, Ni and Co. The meta-basalt belongs to the subalkalictholeiite series rich in Ti, Mg and Fe, and the REE distribution pattern shows a fiat-type with lower REE, and without obvious Eu anomaly. The trace element distribution of the meta-basalt is also fiat,with relatively depleted K, Cs, Th, Nb and P,lower Zr/Nb ratio. All these results indicate that Sartokay ophiolitic m61ange generally resembles the E-MORB type. Comprehensively, we consider that Sartokay ophiolitic m61ange formed in a tectonic setting where a continental rift was transforming into an ocean basin,which may be similar to the Red Sea type. This study provides a new clue to the further understanding of the tectonic settings of the ophiolites in Xinjiang.

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