Genetic Types and Metallogenic Regularity of Beiya Superlarge Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Northwestern Yunnan
In recent years,the prospecting of the Beiya gold-polymetallic ore district has madei mportant breakthrough throughthe study of metallogenic regularity.The Aureserves rankthe superlarge class,while Zn,Pb,Ag,Cu,Fe reserves also rank the middle-large class.Based on data obtained fromrecent research and exploration,this paper discussed the genetic types and metallogenic regularity of the Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit.The Beiya depositis located in the skarn contact zone between Hi malayan alkali-rich porphyry and Triassic T2b carbonatite.In the orefield,the main kind of Beiya deposit is hydrothermal type related to Hi malayan alkali-rich porphyry,andit can be subdividedintofour types.There are skarn-type,breccia-type and vein-type.The subordinate kind of the Beiya deposit is the accumulated weathering gold ore type formed by hypergenesis.It includes twotypes:palaeo-weathering crust type and residual-diluvial type.The Hi malayan alkali-rich porphyry is the most i mportant ore-controlling factor.The main ore body is hosted in the skarn contact zone between the Himalayan alkali-rich porphyry andthe Triassic carbonatite.Thefracture zoneinthe porphyry andtheinterbedded and cracked fracture zones outside the porphyry are the secondary i mportant locations of ore bodies.With the Wandongshan porphyryintrusion as the center,the ore-forming elements show metallogenetic zonation.From the interior of the porphyryintrusionthroughthe contact zone andthe outer zone outwards,there exists zoning of Cu-Au→Au-Cu-Fe→Au-Fe→Au-Fe-Pb→Pb-Ag correspondingly.Because of the strong magma-fluid-tectonic activities,the Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit has abundant sources of ore-forming materials,complicated oreforming stages,various metallogenic types and wide ore-forming space.As a result,there is huge potential for prospectingin the depth and the outskirts of the Beiya gold-polymetallic deposit.

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