ning: 18.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: 宋体" lang=EN-US>Noble Gas Isotopic Constrains on Mineralization of the Jinchuan Cu-Ni-PGE Sulfide Deposit, West China

Noble gases are recognized as being exceptional tracers of volatile sources during mineralization. He,Ne and Ar abundances and isotopic compositions from 23 silicate and sulfide separates in the Jinchuan Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide deposit, West China, have been investigated by melting extraction MM5400 mass spectrometer. The results show that 3He/4He ratios in silicate minerals (av. 0.239 Ra) are slightly lower than those in sulfide (av. 0.456Ra),and decrease from olivine (av. 0.291Ra), orthopyroxene (av. 0.215 Ra) to clinopyroxene (av. 0.174Ra). 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios are plotted into the ranges between MORB line and continental crust line. 

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