A Comprehensive Study on Precipitation Change over Monsoon Marginal Areas during Last Five Centuries

Based on high-precision 230Th dates and high-resolution oxygen isotope records of a stalagmite collected from Wanxiang Cave, Wudu, together with the references of Chinese historical documents from Wudu and the neighboring areas, the variation of monsoonal precipitation in the modern Asian monsoon marginal zone over the past 500 years was reconstructed. This study indicated that the speleothem δ18O is a good proxy for the Asian monsoon strength and associated precipitation on inter-annual to centennial timescale. Variation of the monsoonal precipitation during the past 500 years can be divided into three stages, decreasing from 1470 A.D. to 1700 A.D., stable between 1701 A.D. and 1875 A.D., and increasing thereafter. This variation is quite similar to that of the Drought/Flooding index archived from Chinese historical documents.

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