Analysis of Composition and Provenance of Sandstones from Paleogene Nadu Formation in the East Escarpment in the North of Eastern Depression, oft-com:office:smarttags" />Baise Basin, Chinaoft-com:office:office" />

Based on detailed observation of thin sections, this paper analyzes the textural and compositional characteristics and the provenance of sandstones from the Paleogene Nadu Formation in the north of the eastern depression of the oft-com:office:smarttags" />Baise Basin. The fine-grained sandstones are dominant in Nadu Formation, with high compositional maturity and low textural maturity. The characteristics of detrital framework grains and heavy minerals show that the sandstones of Nadu Formation are primarily of sedimentary rocks and secondly of metamorphic derivatives, which are not carried for a long distance. The sandstones of Nadu Formation are derived mainly from two source areas lying to the northeast and northwest of the Baise Basin. oft-com:office:office" />



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