OSL Dating of the Palaeoflood Events in the Ankang East Reach in the Upper Hanjiang River Valley
Based on the paleohydrological investigation and sampling in the upper Hanjiang River valley,and analysis of grain sizes and magnetic susceptibility,it has been identified that two sets of typical paleoflood slackwater deposits found to occur along the riverbanks in the Ankang east reach record two super-large paleoflood events.Samples were collected from two profiles for dating.OSL age was obtained using SAR technology(Single Aliquot Regenerative-dose).Combined with analysis of the strata and high-resolution weather change records,the first paleoflood event occurred between 12700and 12500aBP,corresponding to a period transiting from Bolling-Allerod to Younger Dryas.The second paleoflood event occurred at1000~900aBP,corresponding to a climate worsening period in late period of the North Song Dynasty(A.D.1100~1000).This indicates that occurrence of paleofloods along the Hangjiang River was closely related to climate worsening. High instability of monsoon climate resulted in great variation of precipitation,which might cause flood and droughts to happen frequently.

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