Fe Isotope Systematics and Its Implications in Ore Deposit Geology

On the basis of Fe isotope, compositions of different Fe-bearing minerals worldwide reported in this paper, together with literature data, Fe isotope distributions of different minerals and reservoirs, as well as different types of deposits, were summarized in some detail, which provide a reference framework of Fe isotope system. Precipitation of Fe (Ⅲ) minerals leaves the remaining fluid enriched in light isotopes, while precipitation of Fe (Ⅱ) minerals makes the Fe isotopic composition of the fluid progressively heavier. Precipitation of Fe-bearing minerals results in the Fe isotope composition of residual fluids evolving with time. Fe isotopes potentially serve to identify precursors in ore alteration products. The high-T altereation minerals are enriched in heavy isotopes relative to precursors, while the low-T alteration minerals inherit the composition of precursors throughout.  The regularity of Fe isotope fractionation during fluid exsolution and evolution processes lays an important foundation in using Fe isotopes as a tracer for metallogenic material source.

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