Fatigue damage modeling of TB-EPUDC-015composite materials
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  • 出版年:2007
  • 作者:LIN Wen-qiang;TANG Xiao-wei
  • 单位1:School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation Northeastern University
  • 出生年:1961
  • 职称:副教授
  • 语种:英文
  • 作者关键词:fatigue damage;composite materials;life prediction
  • 起始页:55
  • 总页数:5
  • 刊名:材料与冶金学报
  • 是否内版:否
  • 刊频:季刊
  • 创刊时间:2002
  • 主办单位:东北大学
  • 主编:左良
  • 地址:沈阳市文化路3号巷11号东北大学114信箱
  • 邮编:110004
  • 电子信箱:huji@chinajournal.net.cn
  • 卷:6
  • 期:1
  • 期刊索取号:P750.6 334
  • 数据库收录:俄罗斯《文摘杂志》(AJ,VINITI);美国《化学文摘》(CA);美国《剑桥科学文摘社网站:金属 索引》(CSA:MD,METADEX);美国《剑桥科学文摘社网站:机械与运输工程文摘》(CSA:MT- EA);美国《剑桥科学文摘社网站:机械工程文摘》(CSA:MEA);美国《剑桥科学文摘社网站:土 木工程文摘》(CSA:CEA);美国《剑桥科学文摘社网站:腐蚀文摘》(CSA:CorrA);美国《剑桥科 学文摘社网站:电子与通讯文摘》(GSA:ECA);《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》和《中国期刊网》全文 数据
This paper develops a mathematical model for fatigue damage evolution in composite materials.The characteristics of damage growth in composite materials are studied and compared with those of damagegrowth in homogeneous materials. Continuum damage mechanics concepts are used to evaluate the degradationof composite materials under cyclic loading. A new damage accumulation model is proposed to capturethe unique characteristics of composite materials. The proposed model is found to be more accurate than existingmodels, both in modelling the rapid damage growth at the early stages of life and near the end of fatiguelife. The parameters of the proposed model are obtained from experimental data. A example is implementedto illustrate that the proposed model is able to accurately fi t several diferent sets of experimental data.

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