REE and Trace Element Geochemistry of Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE Deposit,Yunnan province, China
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  • 作者:YANG Yaomin(杨耀民);TU Guangzhi(涂光炽);HURuizhong(胡瑞忠)
  • 单位1:Key Laboratory of Marine Sedirnentology and Environmental Ceology,State Oceanic Admin,istration;First Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration.
  • 单位2:Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Science
  • 语种:英文
  • 作者关键词:rare earth elements;exhalation-hydrothermal;positive Eu anomaly;LREE enrich- ment;Fe-Cu-REE deposit
  • 起始页:408
  • 总页数:9
  • 经费资助:This research project was financially supported by the China National "973" Program(G1999043200) and Out-standing Young Researcher Award from the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (49925309)
  • 刊名:海注沉积与环境地质国家海洋局重点实验室研究年报
  • 是否内版:否
  • 主编:石学法;孟宪伟;刘保华
  • 期刊索取号:P371.0691672003-2004
REE and other trace elements in ores,wall rocks,alkaline volcanic rocks and diabase dikeshave been determined in the Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE deposit.Comparative studies of REE andtrace element geochemical characteristics of these geological bodies indicate that the ores and alkalinevolcanic rocks contain abundant REE and Y (65.9~4633) 10-6.with higher abundances of As,Mo, Nb, Co and U than those of the crust.Their chondrite-normalized pattems show a strong en-richment of LREE and a positive Eu anomaly,in contrast to those to those of the dolomites which arecharacterized by slight LREE enrichment and moderate negative Eu anomaly. The REE pattems ofores are similar to those of hydrothermal sediment cores in the East pacific Rise,whereas the REEpatterns of dolomites are similar to those of PAAS ( Post Archean Average Shale).In combination withthe geological setting of the deposit ,the primary ore-forming fluids might have higher REE and vola-tile elements,and might have been derived from mantle degassing,or the alkaline volcanic magmas.The Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE ore deposit is considered to be of volcanic exhalation-hydrothermalsedimentary origin.

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