Ophiolite and ophiolite tectonic emplacement
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  • 出版年:2000
  • 作者:GAO Ping-xian
  • 语种:英文
  • 作者关键词:ophiolite;tectonic emplacement;paleo-stitura line;ophiolitic melange zone;teetonic sheet
  • 起始页:256
  • 总页数:1
  • 刊名:前寒武纪研究进展
  • 是否内版:否
  • 刊频:季刊
  • 创刊时间:1978
  • 主办单位:天津地质矿产研究所
  • 主编:沈保丰
  • 地址:天津市河东区大直沽八号路四号
  • 邮编:300170
  • 电子信箱:tjigmr@public.tpt.fj.cn
  • 卷:23
  • 期:04
  • 期刊索取号:P512.06627
Complete developmental ophiolitic suites have a sight of typical four layered texlures,which shows similarities to nowadays oceanic crust.l ney arc formed in an extend environment by the mid-oceanic ridge,Because of tectogenesis make for ophiolitic suites dismember andtectonic emplacement in to the Continental suture zone.Along the faults zones ophiolitic mass ocBurred in the form of tectonic sheet and tectonic melange.Ophiolite give main evidence for the oceanic crust formation and break.Ophiolite belt or palm-suture line has a direct mark,which defined palmy-oceanic basin in the orogenic belt and defined block of continet block.

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