Overview on Theoretical Prediction of 3,6-Bis-(3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazolyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine as a High Performance Explosive
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  • 出版年:2007
  • 作者:Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz
  • 单位1:Department of Chemistry.Malek-ashtar University of Technology
  • 语种:英文
  • 作者关键词:3,6-bis-(3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazolyl)-1,2,4,5-triazine;detonation;performance;sensitivity;monopropellant
  • 起始页:551
  • 总页数:4
  • 刊名:含能材料
  • 是否内版:否
  • 刊频:双月刊
  • 创刊时间:1993
  • 主管单位:四川省科协
  • 主办单位:中国工程物理研究院
  • 主编:黄辉
  • 地址:四川省绵阳市919信箱310分箱
  • 邮编:621900
  • 电子信箱:HNCL01@caep.ac.cn
  • 网址:www.energetic-materials.org.cn
  • 卷:15
  • 期:5
  • 期刊索取号:P806 141-2
  • 数据库收录:中国科技核心期刊;中国科技论文统计源期刊;中国科学引文数据库来源期刊;中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊;EI、CA、CSA收录期刊;《中国期刊网》、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》全文收录;“万方数据—数字化期刊群”全文收录;CEPS中文电子期刊服务全文收录期刊
  • 核心期刊:中国科技核心期刊
This work presents various aspect of properties of 3,6-bis-(3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazolyl)-1,2,4,5-triazine or BDTT,that has not been synthesized yet, as a novel energetic heterocyclic compound. Crystal density, condensed phase heat of formation, detonation temperature, impact sensitivity,shock sensitivity based on small-scale gap test, adiabatic exponent and heat of detonation as well as detonation pressure and velocity that are important properties for explosive users are investigated. It is shown that sensitivity of BDTT as a high performance explosive is less than HMX and RDX.Moreover, high oxygen content of BDTT can introduce it as suitable oxidizer to use in solid propellants.

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