An Investigation on Evaporating Experiments for Qinghai Lake Water,China
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  • 出版年:2002
  • 作者:SUN Da-peng;LI Bing-xiao;MA Yu-hua;LIU Qun-zhu
  • 单位1:Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xining
  • 出生年:1933
  • 语种:英文
  • 作者关键词:Qinghai Lake;Evaporating experiment;Salt-separating ;Plateau ;Playa
  • 起始页:1
  • 总页数:12
  • 刊名:盐湖研究
  • 是否内版:否
  • 刊频:季刊
  • 创刊时间:1992
  • 主办单位:中国科学院青海盐湖研究所
  • 主编:高世杨
  • 地址:北京东黄城根北街16号
  • 邮编:100717
  • 卷:10
  • 期:4
  • 期刊索取号:P\224.06\998
  • 数据库收录:中国科学引文数据库收录期刊
  • 核心期刊:中文核心期刊
Oinghai Lake is located in the northeastern part of Qinghai—Xizang(Tibet) Plateau,and it is a typical
    continental brackish-water lake.The lake water belongs to sodium sulphate subtype with a salinity of 14.07 g/l。and obviously difers from seaw ater in chem ical com position.It is satum ted by CaC03 and aragoniteis se parating out.In order to reveal the evolving tendency of the lake water,salt—separating sequences an d
    forming conditions of various salt deposits,we took a large amount of lake —water near the southem bank of the lake and carried out the evaporating and freezing—evapo rating experim ents.The evapo rating experim ental results show that,hydrom agnesite is first se parated with the lake—water being concentrated,and then halite,the nardite,bloedite,picrom erite,epsom ite,syM te and cam allite precipitated uccessively.The resuhs of freezing evapora tion show that,first hydrom agnesite,and thenmirabilite,nesquchonite,halite,epsom ite,camallite
    and bischd ite se parated,respectively.The final m oth er liquid of those experim ents were preserved for1—2 months(in laboratory) and borates were precipita ted.The above salt—se parating equence and crystallization pathway bviously difer from those of seawater,and ale sim ilar to some saline lakes on Qinghai—X izang(Tibet)Plateau and sOrlle an cient lak e basins fTertiary in the eastern China,such as Dalongtan Playa(Qaidam Ba—
    sin)and Dawenkou Basin(Shandong province) etc..Therefore these experimental results ale very important for illustrating the evolving tendency of the Qing hai—Lake water and the formation and evolution of the salt lakes of Oinghai—Xizang (Tibet) Plateau,as well as the form ation of potas hdeposits and other salt resources in conti-nental lake basins.

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