
4.1x00a0;Significance and Usex2014;CCPs can be effective materials for use for reclamation of surface mines. Following are key scenarios in which CCPs may be utilized beneficially in a mined setting:

ell_indented">Structural fill

ell_indented">Road construction

ell_indented">Soil modification or amendment for revegetation (5-9)

ell_indented">Isolation of acid forming materials (5)

ell_indented">Reduction of acid mine drainage (AMD) (5,10-15)

ell_indented">Highwall mining (16,17)


4.1.1x00a0;These options represent most, but not all, scenarios under which CCPs would be returned to the mine. This guide discusses issues related to highwall mining and recontouring. Because of the chemical and physical characteristics of CCPs and the benefits derived from the use of CCPs in these applications, placement of CCPs in a surface mine setting qualifies as a beneficial use as defined in Terminology E2201.


4.1.2x00a0;CCPs are ideally suited for use in numerous fill applications. Structural fills and other high-volume fills are significant opportunities for placement of CCPs in mine situations for reclamation, recontouring, and stabilizing slopes. These applications are the focus of this guide.


4.1.3x00a0;Any type of CCP may be evaluated for use in mine reclamation, even fly ash with high carbon content. Project-specific testing is necessary to ensure that the CCPs selected for use on a given project will meet the project objectives. The use of CCPs can be cost effective because they are available in bulk quantities and reduce expenditures for the manufacture and purchase of borrow material, Portland cement, or quicklime. Large-scale use of CCPs for mine reclamation conserves landfill space by recycling a valuable product, provided that the CCP is environmentally and technically suitable for the desired use.


4.2x00a0;Use of CCPs for Mine Reclamationx2014;E2201 the Standard on Fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, FGD material, and FBC ash or combinations thereof can be used for mine reclamation. Each of these materials typically exhibits general physical and chemical properties that must be considered in the design of a mine reclamation project using CCPs. The specific properties of these materials vary from source to source, so environmental and engineering performance testing is recommended for the material(s) or combinations to be used in mine reclamation projects. Guidance in evaluating the physical, engineering, and chemical properties of CCPs is given in Sections 6 and 7.


4.3x00a0;Engineering Properties and Behaviorx2014;Depending on the mine reclamation application, fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, FGD material, FBC fly ash, FBC bottom ash, or combinations thereof may have suitable an......

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