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        The Dajishan tungsten deposit,a large W-polymetallic deposit in southern Jiangxi Province,consists of quartz-vein type ore bodies and granite-disseminated type ore bodies.Based on detailed petrographic observations and using the means of Fluid Inclusion Assemblage(FIA),the authors carried out microthermometric and Raman microspectroscopic studies of fluid inclusions in quartz vein type and granite disseminated type ore bodies in the Dajishan tungsten deposit.The results show that the quartz vein-type ore mineralization was related to mesothermal-hypothermal fluids of the NaCl-H2O-CO2-CH4±N2 system with low salinities,while granite-disseminated mineralization was related to hypothermal fluids of the NaCl-H2O±CO2±CH4 system with mid-low salinities,suggesting that the properties of these two ore-forming fluids were different.The characteristics of fluid inclusions in the Dajishan tungsten deposit indicate that the fluid immiscibility caused by CO2 escaping possibly led to the precipitation of metals in the quartz-vein type ore body during the cooling process of the fluid system,and the cooling of the fluid led to the precipitation of metals in the granite disseminated type ore body.The sources of ore-forming fluids for the two types of ore bodies were probably different.
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