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        Ordovician radiolarians have been reported from intervals ranging from the Tremadocian to early Kaitian,but so far not yet from late Katian globally.Herein we report the discovery of radiolarians from the Wufeng Formation of late Katian(Ashgill) age at the Lunshan section,Jurong,Jiangsu Province,South China.The Wufeng Formation is lithologically typified by black shale and cherts,and has been well-known for containing diverse graptolite fauna.The yielded radiolarian fauna,though in a low diversity,is characterized by rich sphaerical forms without any spines on the shell and a few species of the Family Inaniguttidae.The specimens are relatively poor-preserved,and the fauna is monotonous.The faunal characteristics of the radiolarians are similar to those recorded from the Paleozoic epi-continental sea of Atlantic,suggesting that the Wufeng Formation was formed also in a shallow-water environment,rather than in the deep ocean as previously proposed by some specialists.
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