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        Lengshuikeng deposit in Jiangxi Province is one of the most important Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in China,which is also a rare,typical porphyry Pb-Zn-Ag deposit in the world. It is hosted in the Yuefengshan Mesozoic volcanic basin,eastern China. The ore-bearing porphyry is alkaline granite porphyry intruding into upper Jurassic volcanic rocks in the Middle Yanshanian period. A large number of cryptoexplosion breccia is developed around the edge of the ore-bearing porphyry. In the Lengshuikeng ore district,there are two types of mineralization,porphyry-type and layered transformation type,both of which are related to the alkaline granite porphyry. Porphyry-type Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization occurs in the porphyry and the contact zone of the porphyry to the volcanic rocks,showing a distinct mineralization zoning. The layered transformation type is characterized by Fe-Mn-Ag-Pb-Zn Mineralization,with the orebodies concealing in the volcanic rocks containing ferrous manganese carbonate,which is adjacent to the alkaline granite porphyry. Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization becomes weak from porphyry mass outward. The alteration of wall-rocks in the Lengshuikeng deposit includes sericitization,chloritization,carbonatization,silicification and pyritization. The Lengshuikeng porphyry Pb-Zn-Ag deposit differs from the typical porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in its abundant Fe-Mn carbonate alteration instead of potassium replacement appearing at the early alteration stage of porphyry Cu(Mo) deposits. The ore district,however,is of three distinct zones based on the altered mineral assemblages. Three zonations classified are chlorite sericite zone,the sericite carbonate silicate pyrite zone,and the carbonate sercite zone from the inner of the porphyry outward. The Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization of the porphyry deposit is closely related to the sercite and chlorite alteration. 40Ar/39Ar dating of sericite yields an isochron age of 162.8 ±1.6Ma,which is consistent with that of the ore-bearing porphyry,indicating that the deposit formed on the intracontinental setting in Eastern China during the mid-Yanshanian period.
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