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贵州毕节扒耳岩为一处新近确认的含巨猿化石的洞穴裂隙堆积,出土了若干伴生动物化石。其中食肉类标本数量不多,历次采集的仅有19件,但基本可以鉴定到种,且大多数具有断代指示意义。这批标本鉴定计有:桑氏硕鬣狗(Pachycrocuta licenti)、中国黑熊原始亚种(Ursus thibetanus primitinus)、大熊猫小种(Ailuropoda microta)、拟豺(Cuon dubius)和豹(Panthera sp.),共计4科5属5种动物。除豹属未定种外,其他4种均是我国南方早更新世动物群的特有种类,Ailuropoda microta和Cuon dubius则是广西柳城巨猿涮动物群的标志性物种。单就食肉类的组合而言,扒耳岩与广西柳城巨猿洞和田东么会洞两地的动物群相当,稍晚于巫山龙骨坡,早于建始龙骨洞动物群,为早更新世早期。扒耳岩动物群以森林型动物(如Ursus,Ailuropoda和Panthera)为主,缺少典型的草原型动物,呈现出单一的森林性组合面貌,据此分析推测巨猿应为典型的森林环境栖息者。
        Pa'eryan,a cave or fissure deposit at Bijie,Guizhou Province(27°22'12"N,105°15'16"E,Fig.1),was identified as a Gigantopithecus site with of fossil mammals accumulation.Most carnivores,although small in number with only 19 pieces unearthed,are in good conditions;some of them can even be classified to species level.The carnivores unearthed from Pa'eryan include;hyaena(Pachycrocuta licenti),black bear(Ursus thibetanus primitinus),giant panda(Ailuropoda microta),jackal(Cuon dubius)and leopard(Panthera sp.),namely 4 families, 5 genera and 5 species. The present fossil record indicates that Pachycrocuta licenti,Ailuropoda microta,Cuon dubius and Ursus thibetanus primitinus were endemic elements of the Early Pleistocene fauna in South China.The time period of these animals was short and only in the Early Pleistocene.Those of Ailuropoda microta and Cuon dubius were even shorter and possibly limited to the early Early Pleistocene.It can definitely be confirmed that Pa'eryan fauna is in Early Pleistocene according to its carnivore guild. All species mentioned above,except Panthera sp.,are extinct species or subspecieces,which is a typical feature of mammalian assemblage of Early Pleistocene.The indexes for the extinct species and genera of Pa'eryan's carnivore guild are 80% and 20% respectively,which are similar to those of Juyuandong(Liucheng)and Mehuidong(Tiandong),but somewhat lower than those from Longgupo(Wushan)and higher than those from Longgudong(Jianshi)(Table 4).Moreove,the carnivore guild of Pa'eryan has 5 common or similar members with Juyuandong and Mehuidong,4 with Longgupo(Wushan),and only 3 with Longgudong(Jianshi).The carnivore guild of Pa'eryan differs from that of Longgupo in hyaena fossils.The hyaenas from Longgupo are more primitive in morphology than those from Pa'eryan,and even identified as a different species,namely Pachycrocuta perrieri.The major differences between Pa'eryan and Longgudong are from giant pandas and jackals.Ailuropoda microta and Cuon dubius disappeared completely from Longgudong fauna,which was instead charactarized by the emergence of more derived ones,i.e.Ailuropoda melanoleuca wulingshanensis and Cuon javanicus antiquus.Thus an easy conslusion can be drawn that the Pa'eryan fauna is somewhat later than that of Longgupo but earlier than that of Longgudong,and closest to those of Juyuandong and Mehuidong,and in the early Early Pleistocene accordingly. Moreover,the fact that the Pa'eryan Fauna is dominated by the forest dwellers such as the black bears,giant pandas and leopards,with absence of the grassland ones,indicates a kind of closed forest environment.Accordingly, it is speculated that Gigantopithecus was a typical forest dweller and not one of the open land.
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