Engineering and environmental problems in karst — An introduction
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The study of karst aquifers in Lebanon shows values of k > 0.5, and even 1; former data from the literature show that other karst springs in Middle East have comparable characteristics. In fact, what is not considered by Mangin and others, k is equivalent to a mean residence time in years of water in the saturated zone. So long residence times are normally observed in poorly karstified aquifers, or containing abandoned, not functioning karstification. The geological framework in which the studied springs are located in fact shows that these aquifers have been subject to a long, complex evolution, as a consequence of the base level rising. This rising produced the flooding of the successive karst drainage network, which does not really function anymore and provides a large storage capacity to the aquifer. The very interesting properties of these aquifers make them prime targets for fulfilling the increasing needs of water.

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13288d85b725fc2c1"" onMouseOver=""'infobubble_2','mlktLink_2')"" onMouseOut=""InfoBubble.timeout()"">Time series analyses for Karst/River interactions asses...
Journal of Hydrology

Time series analyses for Karst/River interactions assessment: Case of the Coulazou river (southern France)
Journal of HydrologyVolume 349, Issues 1-230 January 2008, Pages 98-114
V. Bailly-Comte, H. Jourde, A. Roesch, S. Pistre, C. Batiot-Guilhe



In many karst systems throughout the world, numerous karst features facilitate the exchange of water between the surface, the vadose zone and the saturated zone of the aquifer. These interactions play actually a prominent role in the ground and surface waters circulation. This study aims at assessing Karst/River interactions by the way of flood hydrograph analysis and new tools for time series analysis in this field of research.

As in many others binary karst system the captured waters of the Coulazou river travel through conduits and preferential flow paths in the vadose zone, and join the saturated zone of the aquifer. This river is an ephemeral river in a Mediterranean context where rapid and intense floods occur each year. This hydrologic behaviour is appropriate to study the transfer of a flood through a karst area.

The water level in caves, the rainfall all over the karst aquifer catchment area, the piezometric level within the karst aquifer and the discharge in the river upstream and downstream of the karst aquifer are measured in order to understand the Karst/River exchanges. During a flood the modification of the surface flows in the river is treated as a Linear Time-Invariant system (LTI system). Correlation and spectral analyses are used to understand how the LTI system dissipates or enhances the flood wave energy. For several floods, the frequency response function estimations are interpreted in term of flood wave modification through the karst area. In this way, according to the initial state of the Karst/River system, the autogenic and/or allogenic recharge of the aquifer may induce surge flows and a significant karst contribution to surface flows.

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Sinkholes in karst mining areas in China and some metho...
Engineering Geology

Sinkholes in karst mining areas in China and some methods of prevention
Engineering GeologyVolume 52, Issues 1-2March 1999, Pages 45-50
Li Gongyu, Zhou Wanfang

Mining of coal, lead and zinc, gold, and iron ore deposits in karst areas has been closely associated with sinkholes in China. Surface collapse causes an increase in mine water drainage and the possibility of major water inflow from karst aquifers, which threatens the environment in mining areas and endangers the mine safety. A combination of factors including soil weight, buoyancy, suffusion process and vacuum suction can contribute to the sinkhole formation. The key measures to prevent sinkholes in mining areas are to control the amount of mine drainage, reduce water level fluctuation, seal-off karst conduits and subsurface cavities in the overlying soil, prevent water inflow, and/or to increase gas pressure in the karst conduits.

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Engineering and environmental problems in karst — An introduction

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