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A regular topological space X   is defined to be a P0-space   if it has countable Pytkeev network. A network N for X is called a Pytkeev network   if for any point x∈X, neighborhood Ox⊂X of x   and subset 32afbd992a945d406e352038ef5f980" title="Click to view the MathML source">A⊂X accumulating at a x   there is a set N∈N such that N⊂Ox and N∩A is infinite. The class of P0-spaces contains all metrizable separable spaces and is (properly) contained in the Michael's class of 0-spaces. It is closed under many topological operations: taking subspaces, countable Tychonoff products, small countable box-products, countable direct limits, hyperspaces of compact subsets. For an 0-space X   and a P0-space Y   the function space Ck(X,Y) endowed with the compact-open topology is a P0-space. For any sequential 0-space X   the free abelian topological group A(X) and the free locally convex linear topological space a358c86eb9a506608" title="Click to view the MathML source">L(X) both are P0-spaces. A sequential space is a P0-space if and only if it is an 0-space. A topological space is metrizable and separable if and only if it is a P0-space with countable fan tightness.

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