Approximation algorithm for the balanced 2-connected k-partition problem
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For two positive integers m,k and a connected graph 742f6651182239e778faeea3197d758" title="Click to view the MathML source">G=(V,E) with a nonnegative vertex weight function w, the balanced m-connected k  -partition problem, denoted as 721b2b3cd1" title="Click to view the MathML source">BCmPk, is to find a partition of V into k   disjoint nonempty vertex subsets (V1,V2,…,Vk) such that each G[Vi] (the subgraph of G   induced by Vi) is m  -connected, and 746c113899e36e9" title="Click to view the MathML source">min1≤i≤k⁡{w(Vi)} is maximized. The optimal value of 721b2b3cd1" title="Click to view the MathML source">BCmPk on graph G   is denoted as View the MathML source, that is, View the MathML source, where the maximum is taken over all m-connected k-partition of G  . In this paper, we study the BC2Pk problem on interval graphs, and obtain the following results.

(1) For k=2, a 4/3-approximation algorithm is given for BC2P2 on 4-connected interval graphs.

(2) In the case that there exists a vertex v   with weight at least 742664f1bce440fcdbd86da6c93d3" title="Click to view the MathML source">W/k, where W   is the total weight of the graph, we prove that the BC2Pk problem on a 2k-connected interval graph G   can be reduced to the BC2Pk−1 problem on the (2k−1)-connected interval graph G−v. In the case that every vertex has weight at most 742664f1bce440fcdbd86da6c93d3" title="Click to view the MathML source">W/k, we prove a lower bound View the MathML source for 2k-connected interval graph G.

(3) Assuming that weight w   is integral, a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm is obtained. Combining this pseudo-polynomial time algorithm with the above lower bound, a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) is obtained for the BC2Pk problem on 2k-connected interval graphs.

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