Vacunaci¨®n frente al c¨¢ncer de c¨¦rvix en mujeres fuera de los programas de vacunaci¨®n sistem¨¢tica, con o sin infecci¨®n por el virus del papiloma humano o lesi¨®n cervical. Encuesta de opini¨®n y recomendaciones
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Vaccines against cervical cancer have been implemented in a wide number of countries around the world as part of systematic vaccination programmes. In addition, rescue vaccination has been recommended for teenagers and young women. From a Public Health perspective, routine vaccination in older women is not proposed for reasons of cost-effectiveness. In these cases, the physician and the patient must decide about the suitability of vaccination in each individual.

An opinion poll of Spanish gynaecologists rendering health-care services in the area of cervical pathologies and colposcopy has shown that, even among this group, there is relative lack of knowledge about important aspects of the vaccine against cervical cancer in women outside systematic vaccination programmes, with or without HPV infection or cervical lesions. In addition, the demand for greater information has been confirmed, as has the wish for specific recommendations on this topic.

The present article reviews the evidence on HPV infection and the lifelong risk of cervical cancer, the efficacy of vaccines with respect to age or after the treatment of cervical lesions and the perspectives of physicians and women. Finally, some recommendations are made by way of clinical guidance for the vaccination of women outside systematic vaccination programmes, with or without infection or cervical lesion.

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