Fish-hook bifurcation branch in a spatial heterogeneous epidemic model with cross-diffusion
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In this paper, we consider the following strongly coupled epidemic model in a spatially heterogeneous environment with Neumann boundary condition:
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where Ω⊂Rn is a bounded domain with smooth boundary ∂Ω; b,m,k,c and δ are positive constants; View the MathML source and θ(x) is a smooth positive function in View the MathML source within View the MathML source on ∂Ω. The main result is that we have derived the set of positive solutions (endemic) and the structure of bifurcation branch: after assuming that the natural growth rate a:=b−m of S is sufficiently small, the disease-induced death rate δ is slightly small, and the cross-diffusion coefficient c is sufficiently large, we show that the model admits a bounded branch Γ of positive solutions, which is a monotone View the MathML source-type or fish-hook-shaped curve with respect to the bifurcation parameter δ. One of the most interesting findings is that the multiple endemic steady-states are induced by the cross-diffusion and the spatial heterogeneity of environments together.

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