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LYVE-1+ lymphatics (LVD) and CD34+ blood vessels were assessed in 20 paraffin sections of BPH and 50 of PCa tissue by immunohistochemistry in a standardized experimental setting. The regions of PCa, periphery of the tumor and nontumorous regions of the PCa specimens, and BPH tissue were evaluated. Double staining was done (LYVE-1/CD34). Acquired data were interrelated and compared to the pathological parameters of the specimens.<h4 class=""h4"">Results:h3>

Double staining revealed numerous CD34+ blood vessels but only a few LYVE-1+ lymphatic vessels in BPH and PCa sections. Mean LVD ± SD was distinctly lower (0.55 ± 0.93) in PCa tissue than in tumor periphery (2.45 ± 1.93) and nontumorous (3.16 ± 2.23) tissue (p <0.0001). Maximum LVD was observed in BPH (7.17 ± 3.61), which differed markedly from nontumorous areas of PCa specimens (p <0.001). In contrast to LVD, significantly more blood vessels were found in PCa (116.00 ± 39.25) than in BPH (60.30 ± 19.34) tissue (p <0.001).<h4 class=""h4"">Conclusions:h3>

LYVE-1 is a specific lymphatic endothelial marker in benign and malignant prostate tissues. It is a useful new marker for the investigation of lymphatics. To our knowledge we report the immunohistochemical visualization and quantification of lymphatic vessels in prostatic tissue for the first time. In contrast to the stimulated angiogenesis of blood vessels in PCa, the destruction of lymphatic vessels occurs rather than lymphangiogenesis.

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SurgeryVolume 131, Issue 1, Supplement 1January 2002, Pages S109-S113
Kazunari Akagi, Yoichi Ikeda, Yasushi Sumiyoshi, Yasue Kimura, Junko Kinoshita, Mitsuhiro Miyazaki, Toru Abe

height:150 % "">Background. The expression of panendothelial markers (eg, CD34, CD31, and factor VIII) is not always observed in angiogenic vessels, and such markers are not useful for measuring angiogenesis. In contrast, CD105 is preferentially expressed in angiogenic vessels and thus may be valuable for measuring angiogenesis. We hypothesized that microvessel quantification by means of CD105 might be useful for measuring angiogenesis in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Methods. We immunohistochemically investigated 54 cases of colorectal adenomas and 20 cases of carcinomas using monoclonal antibodies CD34 and CD105, and microvessel density (MVD) was counted at ×200 magnification. Results. Microvessels positive for CD34 were distributed almost uniformly in adenomas. In contrast, microvessels positive for CD105 were preferentially observed in the surface area of adenomas. In carcinomas, CD34 stained only a proportion of blood vessels that were positive for CD105. No significant difference of MVD for CD34 was observed in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence. In contrast, an increment of MVD for CD105 from low-grade to high-grade dysplasia (P < .0001) and that from high-grade dysplasia to carcinomas (P < .05) was statistically significant. Conclusions. Assessing neovascularization with CD105 in the process of colorectal cancer development may thus be a valuable marker for predicting the risk of colorectal cancer development. (Surgery 2002;131:S109-13.)

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href=""/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WGD-4K0FMN2-6&_user=10&_origUdi=B6WCB-4S3HVPK-3K&_fmt=high&_coverDate=07 % 2F31 % 2F2006&_rdoc=1&_orig=article&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=d9e648d133c5b5fc85dec5f3de3031b8"" onMouseOver=""InfoBubble.show('infobubble_3','mlktLink_3')"" onMouseOut=""InfoBubble.timeout()"">Comparative evaluation of microvessel density determine...
Human Pathology

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Human PathologyVolume 37, Issue 7July 2006, Pages 861-866
Shigang Ding, Chenggang Li, Sanren Lin, Yu Yang, Donghui Liu, Yajing Han, Ying Zhang, Lina Li, Liya Zhou, Shant Kumar

height:150 % ""><h3 class=""h3"">Summaryh3>Microvessel density (MVD) is regarded as a surrogate marker for angiogenesis and has been used for tumor prognosis. In this study, MVD was identified immunohistochemically by monoclonal antibodies against CD105 and CD34 in the tissues representing gastric carcinoma, chronic gastritis, and hyperplastic polyps, and the results were correlated with clinicopathologic features. The expression of CD105 in the microvessels within benign lesions was barely visible, and MVD was markedly lower than that determined by CD34. CD34 was strongly expressed in the microvessels within hyperplastic polyps and tissues with gastritis. In gastric carcinoma, CD105 expression in microvessels was as high as the MVD, compared with benign lesions. CD105 stained well-formed mature and newly formed immature vessels within the cancer mass. Correlation analysis showed that MVD determined by CD105 correlated with blood vessel invasion, distant metastasis, and formation of ascites. Survival analysis demonstrated an inverse correlation between MVD count and overall survival: patients with MVD counts of 32 or higher survived for a much shorter time than those with counts lower than 32. Multivariate analysis confirmed that MVD determined by CD105 was an independent prognostic factor for survival. Microvessel density determined by CD34 inversely correlated with overall survival, but it did not correlate with other clinicopathologic parameters except formation of ascites. In conclusion, CD34 was universally expressed in blood vessels within benign and malignant tissues, whereas CD105 expression was minimal in benign tissues but stronger in gastric carcinoma. These data suggest that both CD105 and CD34 could be used for quantification of angiogenesis, but preference should be given to CD105 in the evaluation of prognosis in gastric carcinoma.

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The expression and study of midkine, CD105 and D2-40 in oral mucosa carcinoma

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