El uso de productos no espec¨ªficos es insuficiente para prevenir la aparici¨®n de las estr¨ªas grav¨ªdicas: Evaluaci¨®n del impacto en la calidad de vida tras la utilizaci¨®n de productos antiestr¨ªas durante el embarazo
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Striae are superficial linear depressions of the skin caused by fibroblast dysfunction, which frequently occur during pregnancy. Their aesthetic effects negatively affect the quality of many patients and is a source of stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of pre-pregnancy stretch marks, the incidence of striae gravidarum, their relationship with the use or non-use of products to try to prevent and/ or reduce them, and their impact on quality of life.

Material and Methods

We performed an observational, epidemiological, prospective, open study that included consecutive women who were attending a midwife consultation for pregnancy confirmation or prenatal care. The study included three visits: baseline, follow-up (20 weeks of pregnancy) and final visit (10 days postpartum). During the visits, anthropometric characteristics, the presence and cause of stretch marks, impact of stretch marks on quality of life, severity of the stretch marks and the use of products to prevent or reduce them were recorded, along with the type of product used (¡°Velastisa?¡±, ¡°other anti-striae products¡± and ¡°moisturizers or non-specific products¡±).


The sample included 321 women, with a mean (SD) age of 30.9 (5.04) years, of whom 227 were followed up. The prevalence of pre-pregnancy stretch marks was 90 % . The overall incidence of stretch marks during pregnancy was 37.9 % . The incidence of striae gravidarum was significantly lower in women that used anti-striae products at least until week 20 than in those not using these products (29.9 % vs 45.4 % ; p<0.05; OR: 1.9 [95 % CI:1.1-3.4]) and in those who used moisturizers or non-specific products (29.9 % vs. 46.7 % ; p<0.01; OR: 2.1 [95 % CI:1.2-3.6]). The severity of striae was lower among women who used anti-striae products than among those who used moisturizers or non-specific products in the visit at week 20 [1.19 (0.69) vs 1.42 (0.75); p<0.05] and in the final visit [1.22 (0.72) vs. 1.52 (0.83); p<0.05]. The maximum severity of stretch marks during the study was higher among users of moisturizers and non-specific products than among those who used anti-striae products [mean: 0.77 (0.95) vs. 0.46 (0.78); p<0.05] and especially among those using Velastisa? anti-striae cream [0.77 (0.95) vs 0.41 (0.69); p<0.05].


The use of anti-striae products, at least until week 20 of gestation, compared with the use of moisturizers or non-specific products, reduces the incidence of striae gravidarum and the severity of new stretch marks improves dermatology-related quality life the end of pregnancy. Thus, we conclude that the use of non-specific products insufficient to prevent development of marks that the use of anti-striae products is recommended.

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