Evolution of tectonic events and topography in southeastern Gorny Altai in the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic (data from apatite fission track thermochronology)
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Results of apatite fission track dating have been summarized and correlated with stratigraphic, geoelectrical, tectonic, and geomorphological data. The average regional rate of rock denudation in southeastern Gorny Altai is reflected in three thermotectonic events: (1) Late Cretaceous–Early Paleogene tectonic activity with a denudation rate of ~ 200 m/Myr, related to the distant impact of the Mongol–Okhotsk orogeny; (2) Middle Paleogene–Early Neogene stabilization with peneplanation; and (3) Neogene–Quaternary “stepwise” tectonic activity with a denudation rate of ≤ 270 m/Myr, related to the distant impact of the Indo-Eurasian collision. We present results of study of the evolution of regional tectonic processes and topography over the last 100 Myr by analysis of digital and shaded elevation models and apatite fission track dating.

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