The Mokrsko-West gold deposit, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic: Mineralogy, deposit setting and classification
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The Mokrsko-West deposit is unique among European Variscan gold deposits from the points of view of both the structure (an approx. 200 m thick complex of sheeted, several mm-thick, densely spaced quartz veins) and the economic viability (gold reserves of about 100 t). The deposit is hosted mainly by tonalite of the calc-alkaline S谩zava tonalite suite (ca. 354 Ma) of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex. Mineralization is characterized by quartz-dominated gangue, no visible hydrothermal alteration, low sulfide content, high fineness native gold accompanied by maldonite, aurostibite, native bismuth and numerous Bi-Te-(S) phases. Five mineralogical stages are described in great detail. Arsenopyrite and chlorite thermometers, mineral phase stabilities and published isotope and fluid inclusion data are used to reconstruct the temperature and compositional evolution of the system. The role of liquid bismuth in the sequestration of gold is also discussed.

The deposit shares the features of both orogenic gold (ORG) and intrusion-related gold (IRG) deposits. The IRG model is advocated by close spatial association between the ore zone and the tonalite host-intrusion, by the absence/scarcity of hydrothermal alteration, by the Au-Bi-Te-As elemental association and by marked thermal gradients from the early to late mineralization stages. The ORG model is advocated by an approx. 15-10 Ma gap between the intrusion of the tonalite-host and the ore formation, by isotope and geochemical evidence for a key role of metamorphic fluids in the mobilization and transfer of many elements/species (inclusive S and Au). The apparently ambiguous classification of the deposit can most probably be attributed to deposit formation at a depth of 鈮?#xA0;9 km and to setting of the deposit at/inside a large-scale plutonic complex with multiple and prolonged tectonic and intrusive activity.

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