Partial weight bearing of total hip patients with a trochanteric osteotomy – Long-term vertical force measurements in and outside the hospital
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In vivo experiment in normal subjects.


Training for partial weight bearing (25 % of body weight) using bathroom scales.

lass=""h4"">Main outcome measurement:

Reproducibility on force platform immediately after training and after 60 min.


Twelve subjects were asked to reproduce 25 % of their body weight through either the dominant or non-dominant limb on force platform after three practice attempts on bathroom scales with concurrent visual feedback. No feedback was provided after the measurements on force plate. The process was repeated after 1 h without any practice sessions in the interim period to find out if the weight practised could be retained. The mean 0-min reading was found to be 25.9 % of body weight while the mean 60-min reading was found to be 24.4 % . The le='font-style: italic'>p-value for the difference between the two means was found to be 0.3841.


This study indicates that partial weight bearing instructions can be quantified and graded. Simple bathroom scales are sufficient to educate the patients and this can be practised at home after an initial period of supervision.

le&_coverDate=04 % 2F30 % 2F2005&_sk=999639995&view=c&wchp=dGLzVzz-zSkzS&md5=88f59602e07dc42f44ec6c698e224ea7&ie=/sdarticle.pdf"">le=""vertical-align:absmiddle;"" border=""0"" src="""" alt=""""> PDF (70 K)le>
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Gait & Posture

lass=""infobubble"" id=""infobubble_3"" onMouseOver=""'infobubble_3','mlktLink_3')"" onMouseOut=""InfoBubble.timeout()"">le cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100 % >
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lt=""You are not entitled to access the full text of this document"" title=""You are not entitled to access the full text of this document"" width=12 height=14""> leURL&_udi=B6T6Y-4FC8V6D-1&_user=3273504&_coverDate=01 % 2F31 % 2F2006&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=article&_cdi=5043&_sort=v&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=115&_acct=C000060157&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=3273504&md5=7d111306ebbb7cd8b3992134fdc9be87"">Partial weight bearing after surgery for fractures of the lower extremity – is it achievable?
Gait & PostureVolume 23, Issue 1January 2006, Pages 99-105
Attila Vasarhelyi, Tobias Baumert, Christoph Fritsch, Werner Hopfenmüller, Georg Gradl, Thomas Mittlmeier

le=""line-height:150 % "">Partial weight bearing is a generally accepted principle of rehabilitation following trauma or reconstructive surgery of the lower extremity. Individual dynamic loads during partial weight bearing to a given load level of 200 N were compared in 23 patients who had sustained a fracture of the lower extremity and 11 healthy volunteers using dynamic sole pressure measurements. Excessive dynamic loading compared with the statically pre-tested 200 N level was observed in all groups. Maximum force levels were up to 690 N in young patients and up to 580 N elderly patients beyond the prescribed static load. None of the healthy volunteers was able to keep within the given load of 200 N. The set load level was exceeded by at least 38 N (119 % ) in the elderly patient group. In comparison, elderly patients showed statistically significantly higher maximum forces than young patients during the first two test days (le='font-style: italic'>p = 0.007 and 0.013). On the 3rd test day the maximum ground contact forces were on average 71 N higher than in the young patients group. Analysis of the force time integrals (impulses transferred to the ground) displayed higher values in the older again than in young patients. The differences were statistically significant during the first two test days (le='font-style: italic'>p = 0.006 and 0.037).

This study implies that the conventional concept of postoperative partial weight bearing starting from 200 N and a stepwise increase of the load level until full weight bearing is not valid during clinical practice.

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Partial weight bearing of total hip patients with a trochanteric osteotomy – Long-term vertical force measurements in and outside the hospital

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