Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 227
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The evaluated spectroscopic data are presented for ten known nuclides of mass 227 (Po, At, Rn, Fr, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np). For 227Po, 227At, 227Rn, 227Pa, 227U and 227Np nuclei, only the ground-state information is available. Their decay characteristics are mostly unknown. Levels in 227Fr are known only from the decay of 227Rn to 227Fr. This decay scheme at present cannot be normalized to deduce γ intensities per 100 decays due to lack of knowledge about multipolarities of many low-energy transitions. The levels in 227Ra, 227Ac and 227Th are known from several decays and reactions, including particle-transfer data for 227Ra and 227Ac. The decay scheme of 227Ra to 227Ac was last studied in 1971 using small Ge detectors. Improved γ-ray intensity data need to be obtained with a better γ-detection system. The datasets for 227Ac have undergone extensive revisions, including detailed data for 231Pa α decay from 1986BaYK report, and single-proton transfer data from 1986MaYU thesis. High-spin (J>13/2 or so) structures are known only for 227Th. Level lifetime data are quite scarce for all the nuclides in this mass chain, thus limiting the knowledge of reduced transition probabilities.

Band structures for 227Fr, 227Ra, 227Ac and 227Th are known in detail, together with evidence of weak octupole deformation and consequent parity-doublet structures.

This evaluation was carried out as part of a joint IAEA-ICTP workshop for Nuclear Structure and Decay Data, organized and hosted by the IAEA, Vienna and ICTP, Trieste, March 24–28, 2014. The evaluation work was coordinated by B. Singh (McMaster). This work supersedes previous A=227 evaluation (2001Br31) published by E. Browne which covered literature before May 2001.

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