The general Randić index of trees with given number of pendent vertices
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The general Randić index of a graph G   is defined as Rα(G)=&sum;uv&isin;E(G)α(d(u)d(v)),Rα(G)=&sum;uv&isin;E(G)(d(u)d(v))α, where d(u) denotes the degree of a vertex u in G and α is a real number. In this paper, we determine the maximum general Randić indices of trees and chemical trees with n vertices and k   pendent vertices for 4≤k≤⌊n+23⌋ and α0 ≤ α   < 0, where α0&asymp;&minus;0.5122α0&asymp;&minus;0.5122 is the unique non-zero root of the equation 6·α4&minus;20·α9+10·α12&minus;α16+5·α24=06·4α&minus;20·9α+10·12α&minus;16α+5·24α=0. The corresponding extremal graphs are also characterized.

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