Use of alternative samples in the restitution of missing persons descendants
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The Banco Nacional de Datos Genéticos (BNDG) in Argentina was created by National Law No. 23.511. This law establishes our laboratory as the official expert in causes related to civil state suppression, during the military government between 1976 and 1983.

Aim: To present the effort of the BNDG for the identification of missing persons’ descendants through the obtention of the genetic profile in alternative samples different from blood. The genetic data obtained was compared with the families’ genetic data stored in our institution.

Thirty-seven alternative samples were remitted by Argentine Justice to the laboratory. DNA was isolated by phenol–chloroform method.

STR: AmpFlSTR® Identifiler and AmpFLSTR® Yfiler kit (Applied Biosystems) were used. Electrophoresis of the amplification products was performed on an ABI PRISM® 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Data Collection, GeneScan® Analysis v3.1 and Genotyper® Analysis v2.5.2 softwares were used.

Mitochondrial DNA: HV1 and HV2 fragments were amplified with: L-15997/H-16255; L-16209/H-16401 and L-00030/H-00412 primers. Sequencing was performed with BigDye® Terminator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). PCR products were purified and then analyzed in an ABI PRISM® 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems).

Statistical analysis: Familias software was used.

Toothbrushes resulted a good source for DNA recovery, as described in the international literature. So, we considered the toothbrushes as the alternative sample of preference to be analyzed for genetic identification. We recovered DNA from all the samples processed obtaining 100 % efficiency. Nine persons were restituted to their biological families by using alternative samples.

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