Entzugssyndrom beim Neugeborenen ?Nachweis von aktiven organischen und psychischen Ohrakupunkturpunkten
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Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) may occur in neonates whose mothers abused drugs during pregnancy, as well as in neonates whose mothers received substitution therapy during pregnancy.


To determine the presence of active ear points in neonates with NAS.

Patients and Method

Since September, 2008 all neonates with NAS admitted to the Division of Neonatology at the University Hospital Graz were examined (provided acceptance through their legal guardians). The examination was conducted on the third day (mean value 70,3 hours) after delivery, using a neuronal pen (PS 3 ? Silberbauer, Vienna, Austria).


From September, 2008 until December, 2009 we examined 6 neonates (4 male, 2 female) with NAS. The psychovegetative rim was the most sensitive area, followed by Shen men (55) and a few organotropic points: esophagus (85), lung (101), kidney (95). In all neonates we found the presence of psychotropic ear points. The detectable psychotropic ear points were the frustration-point, R-point, respectively known as Haldol- or Bourdiol-points, and the Psychotropic Area (PT1¨CPT2).

Discussion and Conclusion

In neonates with NAS, ear points are detectable by a neuronal pen equally on both ears. The most important area is the psycho-vegetative rim as well as some organotropic points. This result coincides with earlier studies on healthy on-date children. However, the investigated neonates revealed active signals in some psychotropic ear points, in contrast to healthy neonates.

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