Estimating survival of discarded scallops in the Patagonian scallop fishery: Comment on “Survival of Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica, King and Broderip, 1832) after the size selection process on commercial fishing vessels”, by Bre
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A total of 64 patients with interstitial cystitis meeting the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases criteria were enrolled in a randomized prospective study. Patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to 1.5 mg/kg CyA twice daily (27 women, 5 men) or 100 mg PPS 3 times daily (26 women, 6 men) for a period of 6 months. The primary end point was daily micturition frequency, and secondary end points were mean and maximal voided volume, number of nocturia episodes, O’Leary-Sant symptom and problem indexes, visual analogue scale for pain, and subjective global response assessment.


CyA was superior to PPS in all clinical outcome parameters measured at 6 months. Micturition frequency in 24 hours was significantly reduced in the CyA arm compared to the PPS arm (-6.7 &#xb1; 4.7 vs -2.0 &#xb1; 5.1 times). The clinical response rate (according to global response assessment) was 75 % for CyA compared to 19 % for PPS (p <0.001). Although there were more adverse events in the CyA arm than in the PPS arm, 29 patients completed the 6-month followup in both groups.


CyA is more effective than PPS in interstitial cystitis.

<br>m/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B7XMT-4HW762W-1S-1&_cdi=29679&_user=10&_orig=article&_coverDate=12 % 2F31 % 2F2005&_sk=998259993&view=c&wchp=dGLbVzb-zSkWz&md5=daf2f6354a6aa2c324a44344d0ed23f6&ie=/sdarticle.pdf"">mg name=""pdf"" style=""vertical-align:absmiddle;"" border=""0"" src="""" alt=""""> Purchase PDF (69 K)ble>
mlktLink"" id=""mlktLink_2"">ble cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>mg src=""/scidirimg/bullet_square.gif"" alt="""">b=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VJ0-4PPNW70-17&_user=10&_origUdi=B6VJW-4S62MDT-B&_fmt=high&_coverDate=09 % 2F30 % 2F2007&_rdoc=1&_orig=article&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=abafa13df62115aef34c0fb3ccad57d8"" onMouseOver=""'infobubble_2','mlktLink_2')"" onMouseOut=""InfoBubble.timeout()"">Subclinical Inflammation in Renal Transplant Recipients...<br>Transplantation Proceedings<br>
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Renal insufficiency and renal transplant (RT) provoke a microinflammatory state that leads to increased atherosclerosis. It is not fully known whether calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) play a role in the inflammation observed in these patients or whether any differences exist between CNIs.


The study aimed to establish differences in the inflammatory state of two groups treated with cyclosporine microemulsion (CyA) or tacrolimus (TC).

Patients and methods

This prospective study included 81 RT patients divided into two groups according to the CNI: CyA group, n = 35 versus TC group, n = 46. The markers of inflammation (MIF) were determined preRT and at 3 and 12 months’ postRT: C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid protein A (SAA), interleukin-6 (IL-6), soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-b1;), and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A). Samples were collected in stable patients in the absence of rejection, active infection, or inflammatory processes.


No significant differences existed between the markers of inflammation in the two treatment groups prior to transplantation. At 3 months’ posttransplant, patients treated with CyA showed significantly higher levels of IL-6 (P = .05), SAA (P = .03), and sIL-2R (P = .008) compared with patients treated with TC. These differences were maintained for IL-6 (P = .03) and sIL-2R (P = .027) at 12 months’ posttransplant. A multivariate analysis at 3 months showed that only age [OR 10.1; CI (95 % 2.6–38.4); P = .001], SAA [OR 4.8; IC (95 % 1.4–16.5); P = .015], and sIL-2R [OR 4.9; IC (95 % 1.5–16.2); P = .009] were independent predictors of the CNI used. At 12 months, age [OR 3.7; IC (95 % 0.9–14.2] and sIL-2R [OR 6.04; IC (95 % 1.5–23); P = .006] continued to be independent predictors.


Patients treated with CyA displayed significantly higher levels of inflammatory markers (IL-6, SAA, sIL-2R) at 3 and 12 months’ posttransplantation, independent of age, gender, time on dialysis, diabetes mellitus (preRT and de novo postRT), and renal function measured by serum creatinine.

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mlktLink"" id=""mlktLink_3"">ble cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>mg src=""/scidirimg/bullet_square.gif"" alt="""">b=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T1B-49MF240-3JR&_user=10&_origUdi=B6VJW-4S62MDT-B&_fmt=high&_coverDate=07 % 2F10 % 2F1982&_rdoc=1&_orig=article&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=a14e4aa406ffe91bdbdde5af65358429"" onMouseOver=""'infobubble_3','mlktLink_3')"" onMouseOut=""InfoBubble.timeout()"">CYCLOSPORIN A AS SOLE IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE AGENT IN RECIPI...<br>The Lancet<br>
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In a multicentre trial conducted in eight European centres, 232 recipients of cadaveric renal allografts were randomly allocated to receive either cyclosporin A (CyA, 117 patients) or azathioprine and steroids (control, 115 patients) for immunosuppression. After a follow-up period of up to 11 months, graft survival probability estimates are 73 % in the CyA group and 53 % in the control group. Two deaths have occurred in the CyA group and seven in the control group. 82 % of the CyA group with functioning grafts are receiving CyA alone, 17 % have been changed to azathioprine and steroids, and 1 patient is receiving prednisolone in addition to CyA; 27 % have never received steroids. At 6 months post-transplant, renal function is similar in patients receiving CyA and in those receiving azathioprine and steroids. These preliminary results suggest that CyA is more effective than conventional immunosuppression. CyA therapy avoids the necessity of long-term steroid therapy.
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Female Urology

Urinary Epidermal Growth Factor and Interleukin-6 Levels in Patients with Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis Treated with Cyclosporine or Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium

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