145 Systematic delivery approach at 37 weeks of gestation in mild and severe preeclampsia: Maternal and neonatal outcomes: Preeclampsia in low and middle income countries
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Preeclampsia is associated with complications especially in severe forms. Recognize this condition can direct to adoption of different behaviors.


Evaluate epidemiological characteristics and compare maternal and neonatal outcomes of mild and severe preeclampsia in pregnancies that results in delivery after 37 weeks of gestation.


Prospective study with 40 women was developed in Guilherme Álvaro Hospital-Santos/Brazil, during December/2015 and May/2016. Study group: 20 women with preeclampsia (13 mild and 7 severe), according to NHBPEP – National High Blood Pressure Education Program (2000) criteria and gestational age >37 weeks. Control group: 20 pregnant women with single and live fetus, >38 weeks, without comorbidities. Exclusion criteria for study group: twin pregnancy, fetal anomalies and gestational age under 37 weeks. Control group exclusion criteria: twin pregnancy, gestational age under 38 weeks, cesarean/forceps/induced vaginal delivery and comorbidities. Maternal variables: age, gestational age at delivery, previous pregnancy history, body mass index (BMI), comorbidities, length of hospital stay and intensive care unit (ICU) admission, previous preeclampsia and delivery route. Neonatal variables: birth weight, adequacy weight for gestational age, Apgar score, meconium fluid at delivery, intensive care unit admission, acute respiratory distress syndrome, cardiopulmonary arrest, jaundice, oxygen therapy and intrahospital mortality. The statistical comparisons were made using Fisher’s exact test and Tukey multiple comparisons method. The significance level was p <0,05.


Comparison between the three groups in maternal and neonatal outcomes (* = p <0,05):


The present study showed that the mild preeclampsia group has better results than the severe group in some variables. This first group had no need of mother ICU admission, their BMI is higher and was the group with more previous preeclampsia. The severe preeclampsia group has a significant level of arterial hypertension, stayed longer in the hospital and their newborn had presented more general complications. Data shows more favorable maternal and neonatal outcomes in the control group.

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