Genotipificaci¨®n de aislamientos cl¨ªnicos de Aspergillus flavus y su relaci¨®n con aislamientos ambientales de un centro oncohematol¨®gico
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During 4 months, and while conducting an environmental sampling of air, 2 cases of aspergillosis by Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus) were diagnosed at an oncohematological center in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The aim of this study was to know the variability and the genetic relationship between the clinical and environmental isolates, obtained in the oncohematological center.


Two genotyping techniques of different discriminatory power (RAPD and AFLP) were used. A genetic similarity matrix was calculated using Jaccard method and was the basis for the construction of a dendrogram by UPGMA. The level of genetic variability was assessed by measuring the percentage of polymorphic loci, number of effective allele, expected heterocygozity and association index test (IA).


The dendrogram reveals that the A. flavus isolates recovered from the patients were not genetically related to those gotten from the rooms occupied by the patients. The environmental isolates had higher values of genetic diversity than the clinical isolates. The IA estimated for all the isolates suggest that recombination events occurred.


Patients 1 and 2 were not infected with isolates from the nosocomial environment. Clinical and environmental isolates of A. flavus showed high genetic variability among them.

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