ESR investigations on γ-ray irradiated 3-methyl nylon 3
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Lo spettro ESR di poliamide VI è stato analizzato e il fermo di velocità di deteriorazione radica libera è stata determinata su un grande campo di pressioni (1–16,000 atm) e temperature (80–120°). Sembra che il fermo di velocità della deteriorazione diminuiva con pressione aumentata. Lo spettro ESR era costituito di tre spettri componenti, la proporzione dei quali determinava la forma generale dello spettro per condizioni varie.


Das ESR Spektrum von Polyamid 6 wurde analysiert und die Geschwindigkeitskonstante für den Zerfall des freien Radikals in einem weiten Bereich des Drucks (1–16,000 Atm.) und der Temperatur (80–120°) bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, daβ die Zerfallskonstante mit steigendem Druck abnimmt. Das ESR Spektrum war aus drei Spektren zusammengesetzt, deren Verhältnis die Form des Gesamtspektrums unter den verschiedenen Bedingungen bestimmte.

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612f4e1e5c0b45763f34a683262"" onMouseOver=""'infobubble_3','mlktLink_3')"" onMouseOut=""InfoBubble.timeout()"">ESR study of the pressure and temperature dependence of...
Polymer Degradation and Stability

ESR study of the pressure and temperature dependence of free radical decay in γ-irradiated polyvinylpyrrolidone
Polymer Degradation and StabilityVolume 14, Issue 31986, Pages 231-240
F. Szocs, Z. Hlouková, J. Tio

The decay of free radicals in γ-irradiated polyvinylpyrrolidone has been studied as a function of pressure and temperature. Rate constants and activation volumes for free radical decay have been determined. High pressure reduces the free volume and segmental motions of main chains and thus the transport of the radical centre is suppressed. The ESR spectra have been analyzed throughout the temperature region. They reflect the presence of three types of radicals. The contribution of a nitrogen centered radical prevails above room temperature.

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ESR investigations on γ-ray irradiated 3-methyl nylon 3

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