SPIP: A computer program implementing the Interaction Picture method for simulation of light-wave propagation in optical fibre
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The computer program spip is aimed at solving the Generalized Non-Linear Schrödinger equation (GNLSE), involved in optics e.g. in the modelling of light-wave propagation in an optical fibre, by the Interaction Picture method, a new efficient alternative method to the Symmetric Split-Step method. In the spip program a dedicated costless adaptive step-size control based on the use of a 4th order embedded Runge–Kutta method is implemented in order to speed up the resolution.

Program summary

Program title: SPIP

Catalogue identifier: AEYQ_v1_0

Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEYQ_v1_0.html

Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen’s University, Belfast, N. Ireland

Licensing provisions: Free software CeCILL license (see www.cecill.info/index.en.html)

No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 81174

No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6296651

Distribution format: tar.gz

Programming language: C.

Computer: Desktop computer.

Operating system: Linux, MS Windows.

RAM: 8 Giga bytes

Classification: 4.12, 18.

External routines:FFTW, a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform, see [1] and http://www.fftw.org. Gnuplot, a portable command-line driven graphing utility, see [2] and http://www.gnuplot.info.

Nature of problem: The program solves the Generalized Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation (GNLSE) which occurs in the field of non-linear optics as a model of wave propagation in fibre optics.

Solution method: The GNLSE is solved by the Interaction Picture method coupled with an embedded Runge–Kutta scheme of order 4. The program includes a costless adaptive step-size control strategy taking advantage of the features of an embedded Runge–Kutta scheme designed for delivering a local error estimate at no extra-cost compared to the standard 4th order Runge–Kutta scheme.

Running time: Highly dependent on the fibre length and accuracy required for the results. Typically between half a minute and several dozens of minutes.



M. Frigo and S.G. Johnson. The design and implementation of FFTW3. P IEEE, 2(93):216–231, (2005).


P Janert. Gnuplot in Action, Understanding Data with Graphs. Manning Publications (2009).

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