Preparation, Crystal Structure, and Luminescence Properties of Zeolite LTA Containing Extraframework Tantalum(V), Tantalum(II), Thallium(I), and Chloride
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For the first time pentapositive cations have been introduced into a zeolite at extraframework positions. Their presence was confirmed by single-crystal crystallography using synchrotron X-radiation and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. It was prepared by the thallous ion exchange (TIE) method: fully dehydrated Tl12-LTA was treated with 3.0 × 104 Pa of TaCl5(g) at 473 K. The crystal structure of the product, |Ta2+0.123(TaCl6Tl3)2+0.246Tl+9.84|[Si13.4Al10.6O48]-LTA, was refined in the space group Pmm (a = 12.099(1) Å) with all unique data to the final error index R1 = 0.044 for the 639 reflections for which Fo > 4σ(Fo). TIE did not occur. Instead some TaCl5 molecules decomposed to TaCl2 and Cl2(g), and TaCl2 reacted with additional TaCl5 molecules to form Ta2+ and TaCl6. Octahedral TaCl6 ions center about 24.6% of the large cavities. Each Cl ion bonds to a Tl+ ion in the plane of an 8-ring to form a TaCl6Tl32+ continuum in the near-surface volume of the crystal. The Ta2+ ions, 0.123(3) per unit cell, lie opposite 6-rings in the large cavities. All Tl+ ions occupy well-established cation positions near 6- and 8-rings. The photoluminescence spectrum of this material is a broad emission band between 350 and 500 nm, peaking at 410 nm.

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