Electron Impact Fragmentation of Size-Selected Krypton Clusters
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Clusters of krypton are generated in a supersonic expansion and size selected by deflection from a heliumtarget beam. By measuring angular distributions for different fragment masses and time-of-flight distributionsfor fixed deflection angles and fragment masses, the complete fragmentation patterns for electron impactionization at 70 eV are obtained from the dimer to the heptamer. For each of the neutral Krn clusters studied,the main fragment is the monomer Kr+ ion with a probability fn1 > 90%. The probability of observing dimerKr2+ ions is much smaller than expected for each initial cluster size. The trimer ion Kr3+ appears first fromthe neutral Kr5, and its fraction increases with increasing neutral cluster size n, but is always much smallerthan that of the monomer or dimer. For neutral Kr7, all possible ion fragments are observed, but the monomerstill represents 90% of the overall probability and fragments with n > 3 contribute less than 1% of the total.Aspects of the Krn cluster ionization process and the experimental measurements are discussed to providepossible reasons for the surprisingly high probability of observing fragmentation to the Kr+ monomer ion.

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