Synthesis and Aggregation of a Conjugated Helical Molecule
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Described are an improved method to synthesize helicenebisquinone 1 and an efficient method toresolve its enantiomers and those of other helicenebisquinones by separating derived camphanate esters. Theunion of p-benzoquinone and the bis(triisopropylsilylenol ether) of a 2,7-diacetyl-4,5-dialkoxynaphthalene givesthe helicene skeleton in 56% yield. Molecules of nonracemic 1 aggregate when their dodecane solutions areconcentrated to 5 × 10-4 M or more. Chloroform dissociates the aggregates. Aggregation is characterized byenhanced circular dichroisms and g values, red-shifted UV-vis absorptions, increased specific rotations,increased light scattering at an absorption frequency, and, as reported previously, fluorescence emissions thatshift to the red, 1H NMR resonances that shift upfield, and organization of the pure material into fibers. TheCD and UV-vis absorption spectra of spin-coated films are similar to those of concentrated solutions indodecane, but the g values are higher. The specific rotation of a cast film, []D, is 158 000 (deg cm2)/10 g.Unlike the nonracemic material, the racemic in bulk does not form visible fibers and is too insoluble to giveconcentrated solutions in dodecane. Also nonracemic helicene 3 does not show the characteristics of aggregationeither in solution or in bulk.

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