A Theoretical Study of the Formation of the Aminoacetonitrile Precursor of Glycine on Icy Grain Mantles in the Interstellar Medium
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Electronic structure calculations have been carried out for one of the key reactions in a Strecker synthesisroute to the amino acid glycine, in connection with amino acid production in the interstellar medium (ISM).Density functional calculations at the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level have been performed for the reaction betweenmethanimine, CH2NH, and the two isomers HNC/HCN, leading to aminoacetonitrile-a known precursor ofglycine-in both the gas phase and on a model icy grain surface. Three mechanisms are evidenced in thereference gas-phase calculations; for CH2NH reacting with HCN, there are two routes referred to as indirectand direct, and for CH2NH reacting with the isomer HNC, a one-step mechanism is found. All of thesereaction paths have quite high barriers, but on a model interstellar grain icy surface, very considerable barrierreduction results due to a concerted proton relay mechanism. Explicit water molecules in a reaction ring areshown to participate in this relay mechanism in the reactions of CH2NH both with HCN and with the HNCisomer. The inclusion of two explicit H2O molecules leads to the strongest effect for the concerted protontransfer. With several further solvating waters included, this proton relay route to aminoacetonitrile for theHNC isomer via a direct mechanism is found to have a very low free-energy barrier at 50 K, mages/gifchars/Delta.gif" BORDER=0 >G50K < 1kcal/mol, and thus appears to be feasible in the ISM. The corresponding reaction with HCN, however, has amuch higher barrier, mages/gifchars/Delta.gif" BORDER=0 >G50K = 7 kcal/mol. The significance of these results for glycine production in the ISMis discussed.

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