Direct Observation of Fine Structure Transitions in a Paramagnetic Nickel(II) Complex Using Far-Infrared Magnetic Spectroscopy: A New Method for Studying High-Spin Transition Metal Complexes
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Novel far-infrared (FIR) absorption spectroscopy in conjunction withmultiple, fixed external magnetic fields (FIR magnetic spectroscopy,FIRMS) has been used to investigate pseudotetrahedral complexeswith the formula M(PPh3)2Cl2 (M = Ni, Zn; Ph = C6H5). Crystalstructures have been reported for the Ni complex; we report thestructure of the Zn complex. Transmission spectra at 5 K of Ni(PPh3)2Cl2 (S = 1) at zero magnetic field exhibit absorption bandsat 11.41, 15.28, and 23.0 cm-1. The two lower frequency bandsshow great sensitivity to external magnetic field, and their fielddependence is as expected for electron spin transitions allowingprecise determination of the following parameters: D =13.35(1) cm-1, E = 1.93(1) cm-1, gx,y = 2.20(1), gz = 2.00(1).Corresponding spectra of Zn(PPh3)2Cl2 (S = 0) exhibit bands onlyat >20 cm-1, which show no field dependence. FIRMS is apromising technique for direct investigation of the electronicstructure of high-spin transition metal complexes.

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