Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Characterization of Ba(Ti1/2Mn1/2)O3: A High Permittivity 12R-Type Hexagonal Perovskite
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A 12R-type hexagonal perovskite, Ba(Ti1/2Mn1/2)O3, has been prepared by a mixed oxideroute at 1250 C in air and the crystal structure established by a joint Rietveld refinementof powder X-ray and neutron diffraction data at room temperature [space group Rm, a =5.69135(2) Å, and c = 27.91860(15) Å]. The structure consists of a (hhcc)3 stacking sequenceof BaO3 close-packed layers along the c-axis with face sharing M3O12 trimers connected bya vertex sharing octahedron. Partial ordering of the Ti+IV and Mn+IV ions occurs in the B-sitesubstructure; Mn+IV ions occupy the central octahedral site in the trimers, Ti+IV ions occupythe octahedral site in the vertex sharing octahedron, and both ions occupy the outeroctahedral site of the trimers. Impedance spectroscopy and microwave dielectric resonancemeasurements on dense pellets (>97% of the theoretical X-ray density) show the titlecompound to be a modest dielectric insulator at room temperature with high permittivity,r ~ 45 (at both radio and microwave frequencies); a modest unloaded quality factor, Qu ~2026 (at ~5.75 GHz); and a temperature coefficient of resonant frequency, TCf = -4 ppmK-1.

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