Dissolved Oxygen Declines in the Hudson River Associated with the Invasion of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)
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Dissolved oxygen (DO) declines have serious implicationsfor the health of aquatic systems. These declines areoften attributed to changes in organic or nutrient loadingbut are not generally attributed to species invasions. We usean 11-year record of DO in the tidal Hudson River todescribe the timing and spatial extent of the DO declineas compared to the timing and spatial extent of the zebramussel establishment in the river. Furthermore, thesystem attributes that interact with zebra mussel respirationto moderate DO declines are explored using physicaland biological budgets. Concurrent with the establishmentof the zebra mussel, mean summertime DO declinedfrom 8.3 to 7.3 mg L-1. Because of moderate hydrologicinputs and atmospheric exchange, system respiration wouldhave to increase by only about 0.5 g of O2 m-2 d-1 tohave caused this decline. Independently estimated zebramussel respiration (1.1 g of O2 m-2 d-1) is about double thisrequired respiration. Increased macrophyte photosynthesis,due to increased light penetration after the zebra musselinvasion, may have moderated the effect of zebra musselson DO.

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