Wet Deposition of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Urban and Background Areas of the Mid-Atlantic States
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Spatial and temporal trends of polychlorinated biphenyl(PCB) concentrations in precipitation were measured aturban and background sites as part of the New JerseyAtmospheric Deposition Network (NJADN). The volumeweighted mean concentration (VWM) of PCBs (sum ofPCBs) based on precipitation measurements at threebackground sites was in the range of 0.30-0.50 ng/L.Concentrations in precipitation at two urban-industrial siteswere on average 7-43 times higher than backgroundconcentrations. Wet deposition fluxes of PCBs at the twourbanized sites were 16 ± 3.4 and 3.9 ± 0.72 g/m2-yr,while the background flux was approximately 0.30 g/m2-yr. On average, 97% of the total atmospheric washout(WT) of PCBs resulted from particle scavenging. The fractionof atmospheric PCBs on particles was the best predictorof atmospheric washout in both urban (log WT = 0.71 (±0.049)log + 4.9 (±0.11); r2 = 0.81) and nonurban areas (logWT = 0.77 (±0.083) log + 5.6 (±0.16); r2 = 0.64). Wetdeposition fluxes of PCBs are of the same order of magnitudeas dry-particle deposition fluxes in all land-use regimes.

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