Crucial Role of Anions on the Deprotonation of the Cationic Dihydrogen Complex trans-[FeH(2-H2)(dppe)
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The kinetics of reaction of the dihydrogen complex trans-[FeH(2-H2)(dppe)2]+ with an excess ofNEt3 to form cis-[FeH2(dppe)2] shows a first-order dependence with respect to both the metal complex andthe base. The corresponding second-order rate constant only shows minor changes when the solvent ischanged from THF to acetone. However, the presence of salts containing the BF4-, PF6-, and BPh4- anionscauses larger kinetic changes, the reaction being accelerated by BF4- and PF6- and decelerated in thepresence of BPh4-. These results can be interpreted considering that the ion pairs formed by the complexand the anion provide a reaction pathway more efficient than that going through the unpaired metal complex.From the kinetic results in acetone solution, the stability of the ion pairs and the rate constant for theirconversion to the reaction products have been derived. Theoretical calculations provide additional informationabout the reaction mechanism both in the absence and in the presence of anions. In all cases, the reactionoccurs with proton transfer from the trans-dihydride to the base through intermediate structures showingFe-H2···N and Fe-H···H···N dihydrogen bonds, isomerization to the cis product occurring once the protontransfer step has been completed. Optimized geometries for the ion pairs show that the anions are placedclose to the H2 ligand. In the case of BPh4-, the bulky phenyls hinder the approach of the base and makethe ion pairs unproductive for proton transfer. However, ion pairs with BF4- and PF6- can interact with thebase and evolve to the final products, the anion accompanying the proton through the whole proton transferprocess, which occurs with an activation barrier lower than for the unpaired metal complex.

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