In Vitro Adduct Formation of Phosgene with Albumin and Hemoglobin in Human Blood
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The development of procedures for retrospective detection and quantitation of exposure tophosgene, based on adducts to hemoglobin and albumin, is described. Upon incubation of humanblood with [14C]phosgene (0-750 ages/entities/mgr.gif">M), a significant part of radioactivity (0-13%) becameassociated with globin and albumin. Upon Pronase digestion of globin, one of the adducts wasidentified as the pentapeptide O=C-(V-L)-S-P-A, representing amino acid residues 1-5 ofages/gifchars/alpha.gif" BORDER=0>-globin, with a hydantoin function between N-terminal valine and leucine. Micro-LC/tandemMS analyses of tryptic as well as V8 protease digests identified one of the adducts to albuminas a urea resulting from intramolecular bridging of lysine residues 195 and 199. The adductedtryptic fragment could be sensitively analyzed by means of micro-LC/tandem MS with multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM), enabling the detection in human blood of an in vitro exposurelevel of ages/entities/ge.gif">1 ages/entities/mgr.gif">M phosgene.

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